Friday 4 November 2016

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion

So this is the main product that play a very important role in treating my acne for the rest of my life. The favorite one and really recommended for those who are still searching the product to treat acne for many years but none of them work.  So here they are!! You are in the right place! ๐Ÿ˜Š I can give a guarantee your acne will less visible in a short time like what I have experienced before since this is my second bottle seriously. I got a very very stubborn acne and so far they are less visible after using this.

So let's get started!! ๐Ÿ™Œ

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

This is how T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion looks like. This lotion is one of the T3 acne range from HOE Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd from Malaysia. I have been suggested by a pharmacist about this lotion and why not we tried it and who knows acne will be reduced. Since it is a controlled medicine, I can say that it is hard to be found in supermarket, Guardian and Watson as well except in the pharmacy

This lotion is recommended for topical treatment of acne Bulgaria (as stated on packaging) ๐Ÿ˜‰. And it is the clone of Dalacin-T, but using different brand which under T3 brand.


Contains active ingredient :Clindamycin Phosphate 1.2% (equivalent to 1.0% Clindamycin)
Preservatives : Methyl paraben 0.08%, Propyl paraben 0.02%

There is a few benefits of using clindamycin, so check it out!


A small thick glass bottle about  palm size with a smooth blue sponge in it for application.
Contains 30ml of watery liquid and exactly looks like water. But no no it is not water okay!

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

See I have already used this up๐Ÿ‘†

In my opinion when using the lotion as it gives a very strong and stink smell like you are applying petrol on your face and smell that stink petrol *yuks*. Especially when you got acne on your nose,chin and under the nose where you need to smell it directly. See,  how terrible the smell is.. ๐Ÿ˜•

      Just endure that stink for a minute and it will be gone (for sake of beauty๐Ÿ˜‚).Have you heard that sometimes a thing that we don't like is the best for us. So, here we goes..

Direction :

1. Clean and dry skin area to be treated
2. Apply a thin film twice daily to the affected area. Avoid eyes and mouth. If medication accidentally  enters the eyes,  rinse thoroughly with water.
3. Use dabbing motion with tip rather than rolling motion. If tip dries out,  invert the bottle and depress tip several times until it becomes moist.

Apply to dry skin ya! And make sure no open wound on skin especially on pimple because you might not realize actually you leave wound after popping pimple. When you apply it on open wound, your skin will irritate and feeling like ouch it's hurt! Cos I have done once๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Then apply a thin film,  not thick because a thin film already enough to treat your acne and dab dab dab until you got a satisfying results๐Ÿ˜Š

Precaution :
- This lotion is a controlled medicine and you will find a leaflet inside the box. Make sure to read thoroughly.
- Make sure to rest the skin for a week after 4 weeks of continuous usage. This is what  pharmacist told me.
- The same procedure and precaution applied to gel form

Availability :

I guess it is available in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Brunei. And I'm not sure whether it is available in other country. Well, just order online.  Nothing impossible. Life full of technology๐Ÿ˜‚.

I bought it at RM 31 @ $8. Yes, it is small and costly but worth buying.


-reduce acne include cyst and nodule
-work effectively
-absorb fast


-strong smell
-costly for small size
-irritate when applied on open wound


Now I'm going to show the prove. For those who are eating, please stop. Sorry if it is disgusting you and make you feel uneasy. So on the left pic is before using T3 around mid-September 2016. Right pic-November 2016. Yet almost all big pimple gone and leaving blemishes and scar behind. So what you're seeing right now is dark pigmentation and scars and small pimple.  Yet I'm struggling to fade those scar. ๐Ÿ˜ก

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

T3 Mycin Clindamycin Lotion review

Recommendation :
4.5/5 stars
๐ŸŒŸ Will repurchase

P/s: Stay tuned with another product review updates๐Ÿ˜


  1. WHERE CAN I GET IT IN SG???๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. I'm not sure about Sg,but give a try to browse online purchase

    2. I am using this too. Really works and the result is fast. Must try! I get it through family clinic. Try it. There is nothing to lose..check with the clinic whether they carries its product or not.

  2. WHERE CAN I GET IT IN SG???๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  3. time awal2 pakai tu jerawat ada naik tak?

  4. How long it's take to reduce acne n scar?

    1. It tooks at least a week to reduce mild acne depend on the severity of acne. And if you wish to reduce acne scar, I recommended The Ordinary Niacinamide(preferred,took just a month to recovered) or Hiruscar Gel. Those are one I'm currently using. :)

  5. parut boleh hilang jugak tak

    1. No. You can try the ordinary to fade those scars :)

    2. Did you have any experience using any range of products from The Ordinary? If yes, which suits acne prone skin? Thank...

    3. Yes. I'm using niacinamide. Combination Salicylic acid and niacinamide suits for acne prone skin. But, I haven't tried salicylic yet.

  6. Yah am also agree to you bcs now I'm using it it was really effective..

  7. Yah am also agree to you bcs now I'm using it it was really effective..

  8. Can i use this after applying skincare?

  9. I have pimples on my face and sometimes itching too, I feel like allergy, can I use it?

    1. You can try the mild one. Check this out

  10. Bid daughter is using this. Could see the improvement.

  11. Is it good for acne scars.. ?

    1. it just only help to treat acne not acne scars

  12. I used this and I got two big pimples on the first day and this is my third day and I'm still using it. Do I have to quit using it or do I continue using this product? (I'm using acne aid soap too)

    1. Keep continue using it until you see improvement

  13. Hi, does it works on jerawat halus or jerawat pasir like that?

    1. Hi! As from my experience, it don't work well since excessive use of it will cause fungal acne. Salicylic acid works better

  14. Hey um. Thanks for the review, just wondering if you've found a better product than this one cause I'm about to buy this one so maybe if there's a better product pls suggest thanks :)

    1. Hi Thanks for stopping by. So far, I can't figure out any others. But sure I'll share with you something new soon. Stay tuned!

  15. Hii can i ask when i should use this t3 lotion? Can i use after i put niacinamide on my face? Bcs i read ur comment before u use the ordinary product also. Thnks

    1. Heyy i thought u wont reply! I decide to use niacinamide during day bcs im scared it will mix. At night i use t3 lotion. After i apply t3 lotion, I use moisturizer. is it okay??

    2. It's fine to mix. But if you insist not to mix, no problem. And I prefer to use moisturizer before t3 lotion

  16. Will it cause inflammation after the first applied. Like redness? Side effect. And do I still continue using it?

    1. It depends on a person's skin sensitivity. If side effect occurs, better stop
