Wednesday 23 January 2019

Home remedy: Slaked Lime for acne

Updated : Sept 10, 2020

I would like to share about one of the spot treatment that most of the people do not know about it. It is super effective, very affordable and can remove acne PERMANENTLY but dangerous for sensitive skin. I said PERMANENTLY! Am I kidding?  Hahaha no no no. I had used this spot treatment for almost a year since my mom keep telling me to use that. At first I have no idea whether it is effective. 

After I tried it, it is super effective on my pimple. The pimple has gone forever! The thing that I am talking is about SLAKED LIME. Do you know slaked lime? 

    It is usually eaten with betel leaves where my late grandma always used to eat during leisure time. She will take a piece of betel leaf, spreaded the slaked lime on it, add a few pieces of gambier and eat. Thus, make her teeth becomes red and mouth to be smelly. I have tried it once when I was kid and it tasted awful and spicy~ This might be strange for non-Asian but it is common among elders in Malaysia and Indonesia.

    Slaked lime or its scientific name is calcium carbonate has a sundry of purposes. It can be used to treat cancer/tumor by applying on part of body that was suffered and left to dry. Yet, after a few application, the size of tumor will decrease day by day. My aunty had suffered from cancer before. But since she always apply lime, the tumor was gone with no necessity to do chemotherapy.It is also can reduce unpleasant body odour by applying it on underarm during shower and rinse off. It is the best solution for any of you who has that unpleasant smell since the usage of deodorant can't help at all to reduce strong body's odour.

    I used  it as a spot treatment and apply lime on the pimple before bedtime, leave overnight and rinse it off the next morning. Be careful, if you apply it too thick, it will hard to remove after it hardens, like you apply clay mask. Make sure to wet the face and remove the hardened lime gently. 

    Nah, my face has slightly burned due to improper removal. But, believe or not that burned part never shows pimple up then. The burn will go away after 2 to 3 days (depend on the amount of slaked lime you're putting. The more you put, the longer it takes to heal). I will soothe the burn with aloe vera gel. Then, the pimple has gone forever and didn't make their appearance until now. It will leave a slight mark but when I touch on the burned area, it just like no acne has been there before.
Don’t forget to use scar brightening serum to lighten the scar.

See the picture, not bad though, hahaha

    Normally, I always come up with pustules. But now, it hardly can be seen instead of nodule and cyst (my common problem right now)

So, are you going to try it? If you are having difficulty in finding the slaked lime, it is available in wet market or just contact me through Instagram's DM: anisseyo, because i can provide for you at super duper affordable price😉

See ya!

T3 Mycin Clndamycin Gel 1% review

T3 Mycin Clndamycin Gel 1%

Hi! While I am writing this, I got three big acnes on my inner cheeks and done applying acne gel. This is a gel for acne vulgaris named T3 Mycin Clindamycin Gel 1% and it is a fraternal twin of T3 Clindamycin Lotion. The difference between these two products is obviously its texture, one is lotion and the other is gel.  But the way they react to treat acne is totally different for me, because the gel seems mild compared to the lotion although there is no change in the ingredients (maybe due to its formulation). I haven’t use the T3 Clindamycin Lotion for a year because my acne is not aggressive like years before, so I decided to switch with gel. For me, lotion has a strong scent and irritates compared to gel.

For the topical treatment of acne vulgaris.

Active ingredient: Clindamycin Phosphate 1.2% w/w
Preservatives: Methyl paraben 0.05%, Propyl paraben 0.025%
* Gel consist of a lower amount of methyl paraben by 0.03% and high propyl paraben by 0.005%

A white milk-ish opaque cap and tube.

Texture and odour:
Texture: Transparent white gel.
Odour: No fragrance.

After washing, apply to the affected area twice daily or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.
* My pharmacist asked me to apply only at night to avoid sensitivity of skin if exposed to sunlight.

I forgot the price~ haha please check it on your own ^^

The effectiveness is kinda slow and took almost a week to see the difference. Sometimes, I am not aware of the changes. But I am not telling this gel is not good, but it’s a worth to try to kill all those bacteria. Since it is an antibiotic and controlled medicine therefore it is only available in pharmacy.

-kill acne bacteria in mild way
-a good antibiotic for acne

-oily after application
-slow effectiveness

For more information about clindamycin gel and lotion,
Difference and Side effect of clindamycin gel and lotion:

3/5 stars
»Will repurchase if necessary